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Information Name: | Gian landscape supply Landscape Planning and Design, or design a good Green Bor |
Published: | 2012-01-29 |
Validity: | 306 |
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Quantity: | 1.00 |
Price Description: | |
Detailed Product Description: | Gian landscape garden planning and design, or design a good Green Bor With the continuous development of people-family residential design and planning have become increasingly demanding, living environment, architectural design, space standards, spatial layout has increasingly become the focus of attention, the concept of green and healthy living been firmly established. So how to meet human health standards for the construction of the living environment, how to build a residential community benefit human health? Green Design Group Co., Ltd. Bor Hong Kong HONGKONG GREEN PLANET DESIGN GROUP LIMITED Founded in Hong Kong and in Shenzhen, China have set up branch offices, business scope including: architectural design, urban design, planning and design, landscape design, environmental design, interior design, urban design and technical consulting, project planning and management. We uphold the professional and efficient design approach, take seriously each design, the overall co-ordination to ensure the planning, construction to environmental design continuity. International design company background, from different regions of the design elite experienced a wide range of design team. Management company in China, the practice to rely on Hong Kong headquarters, the center of Shenzhen, Shenzhen companies with a global vision of technical support, overall planning of each project to ensure that the conditions of the most efficient and comprehensive design results and professional service quality. With the rapid growth of our business, we always adhere to the attitude of enthusiasm and professionalism to provide customers with better quality and creative design services, the pursuit of excellence, customers rely on to become a partner. And efforts to enhance self-improvement, the design of global competition, market competition, China's design in creation of the brand, to contribute to the construction industry. Company Name: Hong Kong Design Group Co., Ltd. Green Bor Website: www.sztdt.com/ The following information is for reference only, nothing to do with the company's services: According to the road design data and ground-level vertical and horizontal lines of the specific arrangement of retaining data and drawing work. While retaining wall construction retaining wall work drawing drawing refers to the retaining wall design is complete. Structure is relatively simple. Line with the ups and downs of linear and ever-changing terrain. View of the flexible design of retaining walls along the route but it is special to strip protection retaining structures. Retaining wall drawing software must have a user-friendly interface. Must also have a convenient and flexible, interactive features, points. With efficient auto-mapping feature. To meet the complex needs of the case design The retaining wall toe position with the line of the plane to determine the horizontal alignment of retaining walls may be located in a straight line so it may place on the first floor plan retaining wall toe the line to determine the plane position. May be similar to the curve. When arranged in a retaining wall within the design section of the fill height is usually considered top of the wall is not considered to determine the undulating terrain vertical wall height variation and roadbed widening and other high impact. That the retaining wall toe line and the plane parallel to the line when the line is designed to accurately determine the necessary point of retaining the position of each plane. Calculate the wall toe embankment cross-sections according to the detailed arrangements. The distance from the road center. The cross-section corresponding to the coordinates in the tangent azimuth to get the pile cross-section at the toe of the retaining wall plane coordinates. Three quality control measures need to reinforce the basis of solid end of the first template. To ensure that the foundation and walls of the vertical joints can cause; basal stratified gravel cushion required for compaction. And retaining walls with good quality and to ensure that the basis of settlement will not occur; template to be polished clean and free from rust. Links: www.tangrendc.com, www.qqjyz.com, www.szcjz.com, www.lengfengji.org, www.kaierda.cc, www.anzhuor.com, www.zhangximeng.com, www.cdbkl.com , www.youhua365.com, www.sz10050.com, www.e63.com.cn, www.zhuanhualu.com, http://t.qq.com/hubinseo, www.zhuanhualu.com / hubin, www.huboyan . com, www.sztdt.com, www.liuxiaoyang.com.cn, www.10fz.org, www.9drj.com, www.9dxt.com, www.inncn.com.cn, www.kesiyun.com, www . kesiyunlai.com, www.dgjianda.com, www.cnfuyu.com, www.szsss.com, www.cnjinpeng.com, www.cdjxm.com, www.cdxsgl.com, www.aoxing168.com, www.zhuanhualu . com www.cnhouse.net Gian landscape garden planning and design, or design a good Green Bor |
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Copyright © GuangDong ICP No. 10089450, Green Design Group Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Bor All rights reserved.
Technical support: ShenZhen AllWays Technology Development Co., Ltd.
AllSources Network's Disclaimer: The legitimacy of the enterprise information does not undertake any guarantee responsibility
You are the 47572 visitor
Copyright © GuangDong ICP No. 10089450, Green Design Group Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Bor All rights reserved.
Technical support: ShenZhen AllWays Technology Development Co., Ltd.
AllSources Network's Disclaimer: The legitimacy of the enterprise information does not undertake any guarantee responsibility